
Working in Sculpture

Art is Not Deaf

So for this object the idea was to create an object that would be used for create sound or music. I unfortunately didn’t catalog the journey for this project however I can still give the run through of the process.

We began this by having a session that went through objects in the world that are instruments to use as a point of reference and then created a diddley bow as a warm up.

For the actual instrument however I went through several reference images of different instruments that were percussion and made of sound and ended up with a wooden box tongue drum

Tongue drum reference

Ultimately I kind of succeeded, kind of failed. took me a while to try to get it right. I started with flat pieces of wood and sized them to an appropriate size to get a rectangular base. Towards the end I ended up making it even smaller as the first sizing I felt was too big. I didn’t know how the actual formulas that existed to get the pitch, nor did I have experience in making a slit drum before so so couldn’t go off of past failures or successes – just internet reference pictures and videos.

The end result was …serviceable.

Tongue dump attempt on a shelf

It’s okayish. I feel like it was definitely a learning experience and maybe in the future I’ll attempt to make one again in my free-time. I’ll post video of it when I wake up as I’m absolutely exhausted from the past week of school work.


Working in Sculpture

It’s been a minute since I’ve used this blog of mine however it’s time to use it again for a class. I’ve been working, working on many different things and different things and here I’m going to show what I’ve been working on.

First Sculpture – Object Metamorphosis

The first project for the sculpture class was object metamorphosis, using objects that already exist in the world and turning them into something else , while still retaining their proprieties of their former state. For this project I already head sculpture that I made in Cinema4d.

Throne Chair – C4D

So for this project I decided I was going to recreate this sculpture however I would do it using straws.

The end result was something relatively close to what I was aiming for so the project was a success.